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Four Tips To Stay Safe And Have Fun This Summer

Four Tips To Stay Safe And Have Fun This Summer

Barbecues usually mean burgers, beers, and other tasty foods that feel good going down but our bodies pay for it in the long run. I’m going to provide you with some fun little tips and tricks to mitigate some of the dietary damage you might be faced with this weekend

For starters, alcohol usually plays a big part at barbecues. Why not? It’s nice to have a drink every once in a while, you work hard and you’ve probably earned it.

But alcohol is pretty different from other food and beverages. Our bodies don’t really know how to process it. That’s why if you’ve had a few too many you get drunk. It also sits outside the normal calories structure of traditional macros, which makes it very unusual. And lastly it also has little to no nutritional value, which means there are no benefits for your body when consuming it.

Tip #1

So the obvious answer would be to forgo the booze altogether, however I’m not a crazy person. I too enjoy a beer every now and again, so if you find yourself with a drink in hand try balancing it out with a glass or bottle of water right after. It’ll not only slow down your consumption of alcohol, but it’ll keep you hydrated while the booze does the opposite

Tip #2

Which leads me to my next tip, and that is to drink plenty of water. Water is tremendous for you. I’m sure you know that, but most of us don’t drink enough. Water is great at flushing toxins, getting better blood flow, and it can fill you up. Before you reach for that burger or hot dog, drink a full glass or bottle of water. Your stomach will now have only a little room for some food so you’ll feel full much quicker and you won’t be tempted to go back for seconds or thirds.

Tip #3

Try filling up on low calorie foods. There are some great foods that are low calorie and quite filling. I’m sure you’ve heard that celery is a great option. Fruit has plenty of vitamins and nutrients, just watch out for the sugar. But a great fruit to fill up on is watermelon and it’s almost always at a barbecue. If it’s not then be the one to bring it. Watermelon is about 92% water and we already covered how good water is for you. Watermelon can also be very filling and you can have a bunch and not have consumed too many calories. Watermelon is one of my favorite snacks and I’m sure it will be one of yours soon if it isn’t already.

Tip #4

Finally, avoid sweets. Sugar is one of, if not the biggest factor when it comes to weight gain. And I hate to break it to you but those cookies, brownies, and other assorted treats, as good as they may taste, probably contain loads of sugar. Resist the urge to fill up on sweets and use some of the tricks i mentioned above. If you really need a sugar fix, opt for fruit. Like I mentioned, they are a much healthier form of sugar and they are loaded with vitamins and minerals your body needs, whereas a brownie is basically just sugar.

These are just a few tips to keep you on track this weekend. Don’t forget your goals you set for yourself, but also remember to have fun. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Head Trainer, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training

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