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The Real Reason Why I Stay Fit – Confessions of a personal trainer

Staying Fit for Life: Why it REALLY Matters

By, Nancy Wall

Sure, we’ve all heard it before and yes, it is true — eating healthy, exercising, reducing stress, and getting plenty of sleep – all necessary components of a healthy lifestyle. Staying active can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for some cancers. In other words, staying active is a crucial part of maintaining good health and wellness.

Again, all true, but are those the real reasons you slip on your sneakers, fill up your water bottle and head out for a walk or to the gym? For some, sure. For most, not so much. Think about it… what is your motivation for staying fit and active?

I’ve been active all my life and have been “working out” for over 30 years. What started out as just filling time that was once filled with a sport I had to end due to an injury, turned into a more body conscious, vain approach to fitness (not my finest time period), evolved into fun and challenging, and now has completely transformed into pride as I get older. (read this article on how to avoid self-sabotage) It took a normal, mainstream activity for me to come to this epiphany… moving my daughter into her apartment at college.

It was a rather disorganized, chaotic event that ended up requiring a whole lot of physical stamina and strength. Loading and unloading 50+ lb. duffle bags, carrying boxes and bins, all by hand, getting frustrated with extremely slow elevators and climbing up and descending down too many flights of stairs to count. Only to wake up the next day and do it all over again.

Finally, as we hung the last few pictures and put the finishing touches on what turned out to be a super cozy and fabulous room, I realized this, THIS is why I stay fit. I stay fit so I can be an active part of these experiences and be there to support my family. At one point during the move, while carrying something super awkward, I said to myself, how would we have gotten all of this done if I wasn’t this physically fit and strong? I was proud to say it wasn’t an issue.

So what motivates you? It is keeping up with your kids at the park, or your grandkids? Is it winning a tournament at your golf club, or having competitive fun playing pickleball with your friends? Are you moving your kiddo into college? Is it just aging gracefully?

No matter the reason, keep active to be able to enjoy every aspect of life!  Any type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health. Just keep moving! Exercise should be a regular part of your day, like brushing your teeth, eating, and sleeping. It can be in gym class, walking with a neighbor, or working out on your own. Choose activities you enjoy and will do regularly in your new, more active lifestyle.

Add variety depending on the day or the season to keep your program more enjoyable. You will not regret this commitment to yourself. In fact, it may surprise you when you don’t think twice about climbing up a mountainside to see a beautiful sunset on your next family vacation. Staying fit means getting to participate in all that life has to offer.

Nancy Wall, Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

Out Run Your Fork Personal Training
Westfield, NJ

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